
单机攻略      更新:2016-04-22



可用记事本打开游戏目录"icewind.ini" ,找到 [Game Options]在下面增加一行





秘籍 作用
[Ctrl] + J 移动所选角色到光标所指定的位置
[Ctrl] + K 杀死所选的怪物或NPC
[Ctrl] + R 治愈或使所选角色复活
[Ctrl] + U 获得12000-72000的经验值
[Ctrl] + Y 杀死所选的怪物或NPC,或在没人被选中的情况下增加5000个金币
[Ctrl] + 4 显示陷阱
[Ctrl] + 9 显示角色的范围箱框



秘籍 作用
CHEATERSDOPROSPER:Hans(); 传送到光标所指定的位置
CHEATERDOPROSPER:SetCurrentXP([number]); 给所选角色指定的经验值
CHEATERDOPROSPER:AddGold([number]); 队伍加钱秘籍
CHEATERDOPROSPER:Midas(); 给队伍增加500个金币
CHEATERSDOPROSPER:FirstAid(); 得到5个治疗药剂、5个解毒药剂、1个石卷轴

很奇怪,在这次的冰风溪谷中,BUG多的怕人,而且其中的一些还会直接导致你无法继续进行游戏,真不知道他们为什么要怎么着急的推出,难道是想和DIA BLO2比个高下吗?在下面我会列出一些目前已知的BUG和一些常见问题的解答,希望对各位能有所帮助。

1、项链Symbol of Correlon Lorethian



这个BUG不一定所有人都能遇上,可居然被我撞见了…… 在第二章打BOSS蛇族女王时,由于我一时准备不足,结果被她一直追到了迷宫的入口,无奈之下,我只好退回上一层稍适休憩一下在下去。可当我回到那层迷宫后,居然在哪里都找不到那个女王了……最后我只好取了个之前的进度重新来过。:D


这是第三章的一个任务,当你把你在游戏中得到的那桶圣水交给她后,Den aini会感谢你,并说给送你一样东西。可……她什么都没给你!:(


在Severed Hand,有一个叫Valestis的鬼魂会请你帮他找一些东西以恢复他的花园,可是当你把他需要的所有东西(Seeds、Pure Water、Squirrels和Birds)都交给他后,他还是和你说无法恢复花园的原貌!天知道是为什么……


在第一章Kuldahar的魔法师Orrick会让你调查精灵废墟(Severed Hand )的事,当你在那里拿到Book of Mythal后就可以回去向他交差了。可是现在问题就出来了——游戏会提示说他给了你一样宝物,但是你什么都拿不到!更糟糕的还在后面,如果你再和他说有关你得到的东西的事时,游戏的对话栏会变灰,然后整个游戏就被卡死在这里,进行不下去了,你只有直接关闭游戏才行…… 据说在新推出的测试版补丁中已经修正了这个BUG,可是如果你之前已经和他谈过的话,你依旧什么都拿不到……

6、Lower Dorn's Deep的奸商

在Lower Dorn's Deep的一些怪物身上可以拣到Rhino Beetle Shell,如果你把这东西交给Lower Dorn's Deep地下黑市的一个矮人族商人,他会告诉你如果你付钱给他,他可以用这东西给你打样装备。可是当你把钱交给他后(好几万啊……),他居然什么都没给你!


同上面一样,这个BUG害得我又花了近半个小时重打了一次最终BOSS… …


配合制造物品秘籍使用: CHEATERSDOPROSPER:CreateItem("物品代码",数量);

物品代码 作用
BOOK01 Magical
BOOK02 Spell
BOOK03 +1 Constitution
BOOK04 +1 Strength
BOOK05 +1 Dexterity
BOOK06 +1 Intelligence
BOOK07 +1 Charisma
BOOK08 +1 Wisdom
BOOK09 Normal
BOOK10 History of Calim Shan
BOOK11 History of Cormyr
BOOK12 History of Dambrath
BOOK13 History of Durpar & Var The Golden
BOOK14 History of Estagund
BOOK15 History of Gondegal The Lost King
BOOK16 History of Halruaa
BOOK17 History of Luiren
BOOK18 History of Sembia
BOOK19 History of Shadow Dale
BOOK20 History of Shadow Dale V2
BOOK21 History of Shadow Dale V3
BOOK22 History of Shadow Dale V4
BOOK23 History of Shadow Dale V5
BOOK24 History of Shadow Dale V6
BOOK25 History of Shadow Dale V7
BOOK26 History of Shadow Dale V8
BOOK27 History of Shadow Dale V9
BOOK28 History of Shadow Dale V10
BOOK29 History of Shadow Dale V11
BOOK30 History of Shadow Dale V12
BOOK31 History of Shadow Dale V13
BOOK32 History of Tethyr
BOOK33 History of The Bell In The Depths
BOOK34 History of The Chosen Of Mystra
BOOK35 History of The Dales and Elven Courts
BOOK36 History of The Dead Three
BOOK37 History of The Dragon Coast
BOOK38 History of The Drow
BOOK39 History of The Drow V2
BOOK40 History of The Fateful Coin
BOOK41 History of The Last March of The Giants
BOOK42 History of The Moon Sea
BOOK43 History of The North
BOOK44 History of The North V2
BOOK45 History of The North V3
BOOK46 History of The North V4
BOOK47 History of The North V5
BOOK48 History of The North V6
BOOK49 History of The North V7
BOOK50 History of The North V8
BOOK51 History of The North V9
BOOK52 History of The North V10
BOOK53 History of the Red Ravens
BOOK54 History of the Sisters of Light and Darkness
BOOK55 History of the Unicorn Run
BOOK56 History of the Valley of the Gods
BOOK57 History of the Vast
BOOK58 History of the Western Heartlands
BOOK59 History of the Zhentarim
BOOK60 History of the Ulgarth
BOOK61 History of Amn
BOOK62 History of Waterdeep
BOOK63 History of Waterdeep V2
BOOK64 History of Waterdeep V3
BOOK65 History of Waterdeep V4
BOOK66 History of Waterdeep V5
BOOK67 History of Waterdeep V6
BOOK68 History of the Nether Scrolls
BOOK70 Yago's book of curses
BOOKANI Animals Are Your Friend
BOOKBLA Lore of the Bladesingers
BOOKCOD Code of Training in the Seldarine's Han
BOOKCOM Elameth's Compendium
BOOKCOR Ancient Lore on Corellon Larethian
BOOKENG Engineering Manual
BOOKEVA Diary of Evayne
BOOKFIS Fish on the Sea of Fallen Stars
BOOKFOL The Folly of Fury
BOOKHIP Hippogriff Riders of the Hand
BOOKIVY Tending Ivy
BOOKLAB Ancient Lore on Labelas Enoreth
BOOKMOO Ancient Lore on Sehanine Moonbow
BOOKMYT Mythal Theory
BOOKPK Philosophy of Kara-tur
BOOKPOT Great Pottery of Lurien
BOOKROC "Rock Eaters", They are Not!
BOOKSHE Ancient Lore on Shevarash
BOOKSOL Ancient Lore on Solonor Thelandira
BOOKSS Secret Societies
BOOKUNI Ecology of the Unicorn
BOOKVIO On Non-Violence
BOOKWOR Worship in the Hand of the Seldarine
BRAITH Briath's Journal
ELEJOUR Erevain's Journal
EVAJOUR Journal of Evayne
GENEK Genek's Journal
TJOURN Terikan's Journal

配合制造物品秘籍使用: CHEATERSDOPROSPER:CreateItem("物品代码",数量);


物品代码 作用
BULL01 Bullet
BULL02 +1
BULL03 +2
UBULL4A +2 Fire


物品代码 作用
BOLT01 Bolt
BOLT02 +1 Bolt
BOLT03 Lightning
BOLT04 Biting
BOLT05 Polymorphing
BOLT06 +2 Bolt
HQBOLT High Quality Bolt
TRNBOLT Tranquil Bolt

物品代码 作用
DART01 Dart
DART02 +1 Dart
DART03 Stunning
DART04 Wounding
UDART1A Hammer
UDART2A Berserker
UDART3A +2 (+1D4Fire)Fire
UDART3B +2 Blinding Darts
UDART4A +3 (+2D3Electric)Static Darts
UDART5A +4 Inferno Darts

物品代码 作用
AROW01 Arrow
AROW02 +1 Arrow
AROW03 Arrow of Slaying
AROW04 Acid Arrow
AROW05 Arrow of Biting
AROW06 Arrow of Detonation
AROW07 Arrow of Dispelling
AROW08 Fire Arrow
AROW09 Ice Arrow
AROW10 Piercing Arrow
AROW11 +2 Arrow
AROW14 Poisoned Arrows(can't use)
ARHAND Arrows of the Hand
AROWTRN Translocation Arrows
HOLDFST Holdfast
HQAROW High Quality
UAROW2A 1D2(+1D6 Crushing)Hammer
UAROW3A +3 Confusion
UAROW3B 1D2(+1D10 Crushing)Hammer
UAROW3C +1(+4D2,+5 Thaco)Piercing
UAROW4A +2 (+1D10 Fire)Inferno Arrows

配合制造物品秘籍使用: CHEATERSDOPROSPER:CreateItem("物品代码",数量);


物品代码 作用
BRAC01 Bracers AC 8
BRAC02 Bracers AC 7
BRAC03 Bracers AC 6
BRAC04 Bracers of Archery
BRAC07 Bracers of Dexterity
BRAC08 Bracers of Fumbling
BRAC09 Bracers of Weapon Skill
BRAC10 Bracers of Weapon Expertise
KEDL Silver Bracers of Kedl


物品代码 作用
BELT01 Girdle
BELT02 Golden Girdle
BELT03 Belt of Bluntness
BELT04 Belt of Piercing
BELTBEA Girdle of Beatification
BELTGON Girdle of Gond
BELTSTO Cursed Belt of Stones
BELTSTR Girdle of Stromnos
BERSERK Bone Marrow Belt
LABELT Girdle of Labelas
MISC99 Plate Mail Armor (Cursed-Belt Icon)


物品代码 作用
AMUL01 Necklace Of Missles
AMUL02 Necklace
AMUL04 Studded Necklace With Zios Gems
AMUL05 Blue Stone Necklace
AMUL06 Agni Mani Necklace
AMUL07 Rainbow Obsidian Necklace
AMUL08 Tiger Cowie Shell Necklace
AMUL09 Silver Necklace
AMUL10 Gold Necklace
AMUL11 Pearl Necklace
AMUL12 Laeral's Tear Necklace
AMUL13 Blood Stone Necklace
AMUL14 +1 Amulet of Protection
AMUL15 Shield Necklace
AMUL16 Met-Spell Amulet of Influence
AMULBAR Barrier Amulet
AMULBRA Badge of the Brave
AMULBRO Clasp of Bron's Cloak
AMULDEF Scarab of Defense
AMULFLE Scarab of Defense
BONEAM Bone Talisman
BWTALIS Black Wolf Talisman
CORELLO Symbol of Corellon Larethian
LABELAS Symbol of Labelas Enoreth
MOONBOW Symbol of Sehanine Moonbow
SHEVARA Symbol of Shevarash
SOLONOR Symbol of Solonar Thelandira


物品代码 作用
BOOT01 Speed
BOOT02 Stealth
BOOT03 The North
BOOT04 Avoidance
BOOT05 Grounding
BOOT06 Worn Out Boots
BOOTDRIZ Boots of speed from Drizzt
BOOTFOR Boots of the Forgotten Ones
BOOTFOX Boots of the Fox
BOOTMAN Boots of the Many Paths
BOOTMOA Boots of Moander
BOOTQUI Quiet Boots
ELFBOOT Elven Sewn Boots
SHBOOTS Shadowed Boots


物品代码 作用
CHAN01 Chainmail
CHAN02 +1 Chainmail
CHAN03 +2 Chainmail
CHAN04 Splint Mail
CHAN05 +1 Splint Mail
CHAN06 +4 Mithril Chain Mail
CHAINBM Baleful Mail
ELFCHAN +3 Elven Chainmail of the Hand
KAYCHAI "Kaylessa's"


物品代码 作用
CLCK01 +1 Protection
CLCK02 +2 Protection
CLCK03 Displacement
CLCK05 Cloak of Balduran
CLCK06 Non-Detection
CLCK07 Nymph
CLCK08 Algernon's
CLCK09 Cold Resistance
CLCK10 Fire Resistance
CLCK11 Electrical Resistance
CLCK12 Knaves
CLCK13 Traveler's
CLCK14 Adventurers
CLCK15 Robe of The Good Arch-Magi
CLCK16 Robe of The Neutral Arch-Magi
CLCK17 Robe of The Evil Arch-Magi
CLCK18 Knave's
CLCK19 Robe of The Good Arch-Magi
CLCKBS Cloak of Burdened Spirits
CLOAKMI +3 Mithran's Cloak
ELFCLCK Elven Sewn Cloak
ELROBE AC9 Robe of the Hand
GLIMGLM Glimglam's Cloak
MANTLECS Mantle of the Coming Storm
MANTLEHF Mantle of Hell's Furnace
PRESROB Necromancer's Robe
ROBEANG Robes of Agony
ROBEINV Robe of the Good Archmagi
SHROBE Shadowed Robe
SHCLOAK Shadowed Cloak
UROBE1A +2 Robe of Enfusing
WATCHER AC3 Robe of the Watcher


物品代码 作用
HELM01 Helmet
HELM02 Opposite Alignment(Cursed)
HELM03 Glory
HELM04 Defense
HELM05 Infravision
HELM06 Charm Protection
HELM07 Balduran
HELM08 - 14 Decorative
HELMBLK Decorative
HELMDED +1 Dead Man's Face
HELMDEF +3 "Trusted Defender"
HELMHUN +2 Illian's Hunting Helm
HELMLA +2 Blessed Helm of Lathander
HELMPAT +2 Patriot Helm
HELMSUN +1 Sune's Laurel of Favor


物品代码 作用
ARMPEN Studded Leather Armor
LEAT01 Leather Armor
LEAT02 +1 Leather
LEAT03 +2 Leather
LEAT04 Studded
LEAT05 +1 Studded
LEAT06 +2 Studded(Cursed)
LEAT07 +2 Studded
LEAT08 +3 "Shadow Armor"
LEAT99 Leather Armor
USLTR01 +1 Shadowed Studded Leather
USLTR2A +1 Reinforced Leather
USLTR3A +2 Shadowed Studded Leather
USLTR4A +3 Studded Leather of Resistance
USLTR5A +4 Shadowed Studded Leather


物品代码 作用
BRAC05 Bracers
BRAC06 Gauntlets of Ogre Power
ELFGLOV Elven Sewn Gloves
GAUNTEM Gauntlets of Elven Might
GAUNTID (Cursed)Gauntlets of Infernal Damnation
KAYGLOV Kaylessa's Gloves

配合制造物品秘籍使用: CHEATERSDOPROSPER:CreateItem("物品代码",数量);


物品代码 作用
KEYALBI Albion's Key
KEYCON Conlan's Key
KEYDUG Dugmaren's Key
KEYMAUS Mausoleum Key
KEYNRM Plain Key
KEYPRST Priest's Key
KEYSANC Sanctum Key
KEYWATC Watchtower Key
TKEY Terikan's Key


物品代码 作用
BARDIC Bardic Horn of Valhalla
BIRDS A Cage of Exotic Birds
BISHOP White Bishop
BKNIGHT Black Knight
CAT Dead Cat
CITTERN The Cittern of War
CORELLO Symbol of Corellon Larethian
DVER Dver's Note
ELIGEM Elisia's Token of Faith
FSEEDS Fire Seed
FKEY Forge Key
GBERRY Good Berry
HEARTGM The Heartstone Gem
HIDEBEE Rhino Beetle Shell
HIDEUMB Umber Hulk Hide
HLYDECK Holy Chaos! Deck
HOLDING Jester's Bag of Holding
HOLYSYM Holy Symbol of Myrkul
HOLYWAT Barrel of Holy Water
HONEYLT Rotted Honey Leather
KALABAC Kalabac's Journal
KRILAG Krilag's Badge
LIST Supply List
LYRE Lyre of Progression
MAIDEN Maiden Ilmadia's Badge
MALAVON Malavon's Badge
MARKETH Marketh's Badge
MHORN The Merry Shorthorn
MISC01 Winter Wolf Pelt
MISC02 DO NOT USE-Crashes Game
MISC03 DO NOT USE-Crashes Game
MISC04 Bassilus' Holy Symbol
MISC07 Gold Piece
MISC12 Ankheg Shell
MISC13 Samuel's body
MISC16 Fire Agate Gem
MISC17 Lynx Eye Gem
MISC18 Sunstone Gem
MISC19 Turquoise Gem
MISC20 Bloodstone Gem
MISC21 Skydrop Gem
MISC22 Andar Gem
MISC23 Jasper Gem
MISC24 Tchazar Gem
MISC25 Zircon Gem
MISC26 Iol Gem
MISC27 Moonstone Gem
MISC28 Waterstar Gem
MISC29 Ziose Gem
MISC30 Chrysoberyl Gem
MISC31 Star Diopside Gem
MISC32 Shandon Gem
MISC33 Aquamarine Gem
MISC34 Garnet Gem
MISC35 Horn Coral Gem
MISC36 Pearl
MISC37 Sphene Gem
MISC38 Black Opal
MISC39 Water Opal
MISC40 Moonbar Gem
MISC41 Star Saphire(sic)
MISC42 Diamond
MISC43 Emerald
MISC44 Kings Tears
MISC45 Rogue Stone
MISC47 Golden Pantaloons
MISC48 Idol
MISC49 Melicamp the Chicken
MISC50 Skull
MISC51 Lock of Nymph's Hair
MISC52 Wyvern Head
MISC53 Bowl of Water Elemental Control
MISC54 Child's Body
MISC55 Duke Eltan's Body

原文地址:http://www.18pk.com/web/wen-247330.html 转载请在文首保留此行。
