COD12剧情探究 全关卡开头文字翻译

单机攻略      更新:2016-10-10






AAR INCOMING. WA FOB SAFEHOUSE- CHE. REPORT DESIGNATION: CO Juliet-Tango. Secondary: Sierra-Delta. LNO WASF: Juliet-Hotel WASF. AFTER ACTION MISSION REPORT: CLASSIFIED WACF SOCWA-C Eyes Only. Encryption #1-8-9-2-TANGO-1-0-2. OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL: Search&Rescue. Target Secured. Mission Status: Closed. Oct. 27th ‘65. At approx. 14:00hrs we received confirmation that HVI Egyptian Minister Said had been located at an NRC airfield in the Ethiopian Simien Mountain Range. Following the NRC’s recent defeats in Cairo, SOCWA had reason to believe the minister was to be made “an example of”, in retaliation. Mission Priority was to extract the Minister via an EXFIL Drone located out side the principal AO. Airspace window was limited, mission success relied on the hacking of the Site’s DEAD systems-We moved in at 21:00hrs. The operation was coordinated between two teams. Primary was my team- WA Black Cyber Ops Division comprised of Specialists Sebastian Diaz, Sarah Hall and Peter Maretti. Secondary was WASF, led by CO Hendricks and a bunch of new faces. Plan was that my team would keep the NRC occupied while WASF moved to secure the HVI for extraction. Personal disclosure- This operation was my first time working with Hendricks since #61-63-68-75. He noticed that the Scarf on my arm and asked about Rachel, I guess he hadn’t heard about our separation. As you no doubt already know, the operation did not go as planned. WASF discovered additional hostages on site, among them Lt. Khalil-captured by the NRC at Lotus Towers and previously assumed KIA. Initially I stuck to protocol and denied Hendricks’ request to extract- With our limited window for extraction, I did not believe we had sufficient time to secure both the Minister and the additional hostages. However-after some deliberation, I changed my mind. I made the call to return to for the other captives- while Hendricks’ team moved to EXFIL. Though the Drone was able to secure the Minister and Khalil- the others were not so lucky. Hendricks’ VTOL was forced out of the airspace with his team still on the ground. Though they tried to fight back, they were quickly surrounded and brutally overwhelmed by NRC Bipedal Robots. Most did not survive. I’d like to state for the record- the responsibility for this outcome lies solely with myself. No blame should be apportioned to Hendricks- even though he directly challenged my orders. I was the one who decided to break protocol and return for the other hostages. Even in light of the tragic consequences of my decision, I do believe that trying to save the lives of our allies was indeed the right thing to do. The sole survivor of Hendricks’ team was taken to the Zurich facility to undergo emergency lifesaving procedures. After being stabilized, they were quickly identified as a potential candidate for the expansion of the Cyber Ops program, and were fitted with a DNI. Prior to limb replacement surgery and full body augmentation, I personally interfaced to assist with their integration acclimation and training. They had potential. Unfortunately, complications arose during the procedure- They were pronounced dead shortly thereafter.


AAR: After Action Review, 也就是任务报告

WA: Winslow Accord, 温斯洛协约国,BO3世界观中由世界各国在2025年(BO2)中无人机攻击事件之后的国际协定演变而来的类似NATO的军事同盟,其中的主要成员主导了DEAD的开发。在世界自然资源即将耗尽的BO3时间线中正在与对手进行军备竞赛和抢夺自然资源。成员国包括俄罗斯之外的四大流氓(没错中美同盟),德国,比利时,荷兰,意大利,西班牙,葡萄牙,北欧国家,海湾国家,以色列,加拿大,澳大利亚,新西兰,日本,韩国,新加坡,菲律宾,印度,埃及等。目前主要对手是俄罗斯主导的共同防御条约(CDP)

DEAD: Direct Energy Air Defense, 定向能量防空系统,部署于各国战略要点以兆瓦为单位驱动的地面无人防空系统和据点,BO2的事件之后开发的旨在抵消空中威胁和制空权的武器系统,由于防空能力太叼导致各国陆军从干儿子又重新变成了亲儿子。据说在前作中的同名系统是多人神器

FOB: Forward Operating Base, 前进作战基地

CHE.: 可能是Charlie(表示C)的缩写

CO: 指挥官

LNO: 联络官

WASF:个人猜测是Winslow Accord’s Special Forces, 温协特种部队,也有可能SF是Security Forces(温协安全部队)的意思


SOCWA: 个人猜测是Special Operations Command of Winslow Accord, 温斯洛协约特种作战司令部。前作中大卫·梅森的部队则是J-SOC,也就是美国的Joint Special Operations Command,联合特战司令部。

HVI: High Value Individual, 高价值人物,COD6华盛顿街区关卡(郊外别墅那关)的目的也是去找一个带着机密的HVI,虽然COD6那位被毛子打死了。

NRC:Nile River Coalition, 尼罗河同盟,BO3的时间线中,淡水已经由于干旱和全球变暖变为战略资源。基于此,在埃塞俄比亚的领导下一个目的为控制尼罗河的超国家政治与经济同盟诞生,也就是NRC(所以他们并不是狭义的KB分子)。NRC一直在向拥有尼罗河资源最多的埃及施压意图让其加入其同盟,并对埃及民众进行了渗透,而其成果就是序章开头提到的的开罗暴/动。然而开罗的事件被埃及军队的铁骑压了下去,并得到了温协支援。因此NRC开始向CDP寻求支援和科技援助。

Black Cyber Ops Division: 信息作战黑色行动分队,也就是黑色行动小队。虽然字面上看起来像是一群武力值为负数的技术宅缩在安全屋里黑各国电脑的部队,但是BO3世界观中Cyber已经包括了人体强化组件等等高大上的玩意,所以这个也同样是一群经过人体强化组件改造的大汉和女汉组成的作战部队。

EXFIL: Exfiltration 的缩写,也就是撤离。

AO: Area of Operation,行动区

Lotus Towers: 莲花塔,BO3设定中开罗的一个地标,但是现实中似乎没有这个地点。

DNI: Direct Neural Interface,直接神经接口,BO3世界观中出现的黑科技,也就是通过脑部接口可以完全控制生理活动以及和电脑系统链接(也就是靠大脑就可以完成浏览电脑数据和黑客行动等等),在一大帮子赛博朋克作品之中烂大街了但是的确很实用。


接收任务报告:温协前进基地安全屋—C。报告指定:指挥官J-T。副官:S-D。WASF联络官: J-H WASF。任务后报告:机密,仅供SOCWA-C人员参阅。加密编码:#1-8-9-2-TANGO-1-0-2。任务协议搜索&救援。目标安全。任务状态:结束。

Oct. 27th ‘65,约莫14:00时,我们得到确认,HVI 埃及部长萨义德正位于埃塞俄比亚锡门山脉的一处NRC机场之中。紧接着NRC在开罗的失败,SOCWA有理由相信部长将会被“杀鸡儆猴”,以示报复。优先任务是通过位于我方主要任务区境内的撤离用无人机将部长带离。我们的空域窗口范围十分有限,因而任务胜败在于黑进对当地的DEAD系统。我们在21:00时开拔,任务被指派给了两支队伍。第一队是我的部队——包括专员塞巴斯蒂安·迪亚茨,莎拉·霍尔和彼得·麦雷蒂在内的温协黑色行动分队。第二队来自WASF,由指挥官亨德里克斯带领,加上一批新人。任务计划是我的小队将转移NRC部队的注意力,而WASF则趁机确保HVI的安全然后撤离。








4.Lotus Towers在之后关卡会反复出现,似乎是开罗十分重要的战略要点。之后有一关就叫莲花塔。

除了主角之外还有一些队友也被削成了人棍并接受了同样的改造,但是改造过程中发生了一些问题,导致他们都便当了。而死亡的病因,便是并发症和“精神失常”。 更正翻译,Black Cyber Ops Division按照官方中文应该翻译为“秘密生化特工小队”



Personal Log: John Taylor. My team and I-Specialists Dylan Stone, Javier Ramirez, Alice Conrad and Joseph Fierro have been selected to plus up a new Winslow Accord Black Ops team. Our new CO is Jacob Hendricks. He’s easy going and direct, but has that ‘don’t-dare-mess-with-me’ attitude. I like that. If ever a team needed that sort of a headstrong approach, it would be this one. For the duration of our training I have been designated Case #24954, Call-Sign: Romeo. It’s a “Leave-your-name-and-personality-at-the-door” sort of gig. Ramirez, Conrad and Fierro have all been assigned equally stupid names. Since we got to the Zurich facility, training exercises have been consisted of advanced tactical communication procedures, specialist weapon training and operational protocol-all within the context of different historical and hypothetical mission scenarios. Though the specifics of our operational parameters have not been fully clarified at this time, we all know why we’re here. No one says it, but non of us are in any doubt as to what kind of Ops we’ll be running... Wetwork. The training is intensive-and high risk, but if we make it through the month, we’ll be selected to begin action with Hendricks as our CO. If all goes well, it’ll be back to back tours in some of the worst conflicts across the globe. We’re going to make a difference- Maybe bring some stability to these regions. We Just have to kill the right people. Note to self-Start getting used to the correct terminology. Taylor Out.




自从我们抵达了苏黎世设施,训练科目中开始加入了进阶战术通讯程式,专员武器训练以及行动协议——而且都是建立在一个假设的历史背景之下。虽然我们的具体任务范围和细节还没有被阐明,我们都知道为什么我们会被拉到这里。虽然没有人主动提出,但是我们都十分肯定我们将会派去做那些。。。“脏活”儿。训练不仅强度极高而且高风险,但是如果我们撑过了这个月,我们就会在亨德里克斯作为长官的情况下开始行动。如果一切顺利,这将成为一个在全世界最恶心的冲突区之内的连续作战(back to back实际上是连续两次的意思)。我们将干些不同的事情——也许是使这些地区的形势稳定下来什么的。我们只需要去杀掉正确的人就是了。







4.泰勒的日志中提到他们的训练都建立在假设的背景之下——觉得耳熟不?那个outcome:train goes boooooooom的故事




AAR INCOMING. WA FOB SAFEHOUSE- SGP. REPORT DESIGNATION: CO Juliet-Tango. Standing OIC: Juliet-Hotel. LNO: Romeo-Kilo. AFTER ACTION MISSION REPORT: CLASSIFIED WACF SOCWA-E Eyes Only. Encryption #2-0-6-ECHO-6-FOXTROT-7-4. OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL: Infiltration&Termination. Operation #20-6E-6F-74 ACCEPTED. Four Targets Marked for Termination. Mission Status: OPEN. Day:0.

Our newly assigned liaison for this joint operation with the CIA is Case Officer Rachel Kane. Prior to reaching the AO, she provided us with a Data Package providing local intelligence and broadly outlining our mission parameters. Infiltration into Singapore Quarantine Zone was relatively uneventful. After hitting OZ, our Team experienced contained direct action with local criminal combine the 54 Immortals, but engagements were tied off quickly and low-profile was maintained. Our team swept the AO before moving to secure the CIA Black Station. Upon arrival we discovered the bodies of the station staff. Despite the heavy 54i presence on site. INTREP suggested an inside job-The numerous instances of security breaches-only possible for thous with Station clearance-seem to support this conclusion. Further- INTREP suggested that the perpetrators primary motive was most likely to secure classified INTEL detailing the WA’s military strength on contested regions across the world. Preliminary investigation suggests that they knew exactly what they were doing and took steps to cover their tracks. They removed the Station’s data drives that would contain the security cam footage of the entire incident. Let the official records show- It was only after the station was secured that LNO Kane revealed details withheld from our original briefing. Specifically-that the last known Black Op coordinated from the site was conducted by our former teammates-Stone, Ramirez, Conrad and Fierro. These are the facts: Time sensitive. Perpetrators have likely defected to CDP. Data drives must be recovered Priority ONE- Contain and secure all materials relating to on ongoing operations of the WASF, CIA, MI6, and all other branches of military and covert organizations under the WA banner. Priority TWO- Termination of suspects. LNO Kane confirms that the CIA believes our targets have not yet left Singapore- but the clock is ticking. Personal Comment: The CIA’s suggestion that Stone’s team may be responsible for the killings does not sit well with Hendricks. In my five years under his command, I have never seen him let his emotions get the better of him, but it’s clear that he’s troubled by the concept that his former teammates could betray the Winslow Accord and defect to the CDP. If their guilt is indeed established, the revelation could create a potentially difficult situation for Hendricks.


OIC:大概是Operations Information Center,任务情报中心(人员)的意思

OZ:Operation Zone,行动区域

54i:54 Immortals,官译54长生军,不过我自己喜欢翻成五四(yundong)长生军。BO3世界观中的新加坡帮派,在新加坡灾变之后变成了军阀势力。这个组织按照设定19世纪末就已经出现了,由中国和印度移民组成,靠着掌控和垄断当地的妓院和毒窝外加血腥统治撑过了很长一段时间,随着国际形势变化则基于用妓女与当地ZF和军队达成的良好关系开始做一些给各种组织提供佣兵和人口贩卖的生意(比如说多人模式那个妹子)。新加坡灾变之后,五四长生军控制了那些由于极端天气而被新加坡当局放弃的重灾区,然后按照支持者的说法“给当地带来了电力和秩序”。由于和CDP的良好关系,五四长生军的装备十分精良。

INTREP:可能是intelligence report,但是结合上下文我觉得也有可能意为当时当地的调查

CDP:Common Defense Pact,共同防御条约组织,简称共约,类似华约/上合的与温协对立的国际防御同盟。在BO3世界观的2037年,欧盟开始分裂和崩溃,而俄罗斯则机智地开始承担波兰的大量国债(波兰确定看得起俄罗斯?)。于是当英法德等等国家离开欧盟之后,剩下的国家允许将俄罗斯加入为成die员die国,从而建立了共约,一个军事与经济共同体。CDP在剧情中和历史上的苏联搅屎棍一样跟NRC和54i这种阵营来往密切。自身主要成员国包括俄罗斯,以及除了英法德,荷兰,比利时,意大利,北欧,西葡之外的欧盟成员国(也就是包括了所有的东欧国家和欧洲拖油瓶,所谓的“欧盟”在地理意义上实际上成了个包括中欧和巴尔干甚至还有土耳其在内的放大版华约)。


接收任务报告:温协前进基地安全屋—SGP。报告指定:指挥官J-T。当职情报官:J-H。联络官: R-K。任务后报告:机密,仅供SOCWA-E人员参阅。加密编码:#2-0-6-ECHO-6-FOXTROT-7-4。任务协议:渗透&清除。接受行动#20-6E-6F-74。待清除目标四名。任务状态:开启。天数:0







Juliet-Hotel(J-H)=John Hendricks

Juliet-Tango(J-T)= John Taylor

Romeo-Kilo(R-K)=Rachel Kane。

这样一来,在序章的任务报告中代号为Sierra-Delta(S-D)的副官应该就是Sabastian Diatz,也就是迪亚茨了



AAR INCOMING. WA FOB SAFEHOUSE- SGP. REPORT DESIGNATION: CO Juliet-Tango. Standing OIC: Juliet-Hotel. LNO: Romeo-Kilo. AFTER ACTION MISSION REPORT: CLASSIFIED WACF SOCWA-E Eyes Only. Encryption #2-0-6-7-6-FOXTROT-6-9. OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL: Infiltration&Recovery. Identities for Four Targets Marked for Termination are confirmed: CDP Defectors Mike-Sierra, Juliet-Romeo, Alpha-Charlie & Juliet-Foxtrot. Mission Status: OPEN. Day:1.

Tracking the Data Drives revealed our Targeted Area of Interest: Singapore Biodomes. Stronghold for the 54 Immortals. Heart of their operations. At this time we believe our Targets bartered the data drives with the Immortals for safe passage out of Singapore-reinforcing the defection theory as the 54i are aligned with the CDP. We entered the Stronghold posing as black market Weapons dealers selling Code Black Robotics provided by the CIA. Using Hendricks’ contact-Danny Li, we sought to make contact with Goh Xiulan and Goh Min, the sibling leaders of the combine. During our initial contact, LNO Kane (operating remotely from Safehouse-SGP)successfully triangulated the exact location of the package to the 54 Immortals Central Server Room within Cloud Mountain. The Goh’s were suspicious-and quickly made as as WASF. The situation quickly escalated- In the initial struggle Goh Min was KIA and Goh Xiulan fled the scene. Team was forced to initiate Secondary Protocol Echo Two- VTOL exfiltration rerouted to the top of the dome-wings up on package recovery confirmation. Engagements with hostile forces occurred en route to central server, including skirmishes with 54i and a contingent of visiting NRC Forces. After breaching the server room, circumstances forced our team to remove Goh Xiulan’s hand in order to gain bypass the biometric security. OIC Hendricks wanted it on record that this action did not have his approval, however time was critical and I felt we had no other option. After securing the package, secondary EXFIL was compromised by 54i-operated Wraith- and were forced to initiate Tertiary Protocol Echo Three-pushing exfil to the subway station beyond the surrounding swampland. This would prove successful, but not without additional collateral damage along the way. While Op did not proceed as smoothly as planned, our team had taken the appropriate steps to ensure the CIA’s drives were secured. The Goh’s suspicion and our team being compromised would seem to imply that Stone’s team may have forewarned them of our arrival. Upon reviewing the data drives, Security footage positively ID’d the killers: Dylan Stone, Javier Ramirez, Alice Conrad and Joseph Fierro-members of our own Winslow Accord Black Ops Team as previously stated. At this time we can also confirm there were responsible for a) The KIAs at the CIA Black Station and b) The missing data drives and subsequent intelligence leaks. Hendricks’ emotional response to the footage was not unexpected-our Targets were former teammates-we’d spent years in the field together. It’s my firm belief that Hendricks’ period of denial will soon pass. That said- the question remains- what let Stone and his team to defect? While reviewing the drives we learned that Stone’s last op before his defection was to investigate a disturbance at Coalescence Corporation Singapore. We intend to follow in their footsteps in the hope of gaining greater insight into their motives.


Coalescence Corporation:科尔利森公司,就和几乎所有赛博朋克游戏中出现的类似阵营一样是一个垄断了几乎所有人体改造技术和武器生产的大企业。在CIA授意下合作进行一些非法研究。此外,新加坡之所以会变成这副德行也是其新加坡分部主楼爆炸的结果。俗称:万恶之源。


接收任务报告:温协前进基地安全屋—SGP。报告指定:指挥官J-T。当职情报官:J-H。联络官: R-K。任务后报告:机密,仅供SOCWA-E人员参阅。加密编码:#2-0-6-7-6-FOXTROT-6-9。任务协议:渗透&夺回。四名待清除目标身份已确认:CDP变节者M-S, J-R, A-C & J-F。任务状态:开启。天数:1



A)CIA 站点的屠杀





AAR INCOMING. WA MSS AIRBORNE- SGP. REPORT DESIGNATION: CO Juliet-Tango. Standing OIC: Juliet-Hotel. LNO: Romeo-Kilo. AFTER ACTION MISSION REPORT: CLASSIFIED WASF SOCWA-E Eyes Only. Encryption #6-ECHO-6-7-2-0-7-4. OPERATIONAL PROTOCOL: Field Assessment. Target KIA: CDP Defectors Juliet-Romeo. Mission Status: OPEN. Day:2.

This document has been designated “Eyes-Only”, with approval for the following members of SOCWA-E listed on the attachment. It will remain classified ongoing at this time and certain sections may be further redacted prior to submission. The following report outlines to the existence of a clandestine operation run by the CIA-Records of which have been expunged from Langley Archives. This information has only receives LNO Kane’s sign off because it may provide insight into mentality and motivations behind the defector’s actions. (The incident at the WA Safehouse SGP will be addressed in the following report).

Stone’s team’s last known Op was to investigate a client alarm triggered from an off-grid position somewhere deep beneath the Coalescence Corporation Singapore facility. Following in their footsteps, our own investigation has indeed provided some insight into their actions in the aftermath of their final mission. Beneath the Coalescence Corporation facility, our team discovered and abandoned CIA BLACK PROJECT-designation SP/CORVUS-involving experiment DNI trials on human test subjects. After positively identifying one of the deceased, it was the team’s conclusion that the subjects were most likely appropriated into the program from the local criminal underclass. More damaging one of the ethical issue of unsanctioned human trials, our investigation uncovered details linking this project to the Coalescence Corporation Disaster of 2060. Details of the devastating tragedy that occurred in early June of 2060 are well known, but responsibility for the 300,000 civilian deaths has always been attributed to negligence on the part of Coalescence Corporation. The information we uncovered suggests that this CIA Black Project was the direct hypocenter of the disaster. As previously reported, an unanticipated Target Termination occurred on site- with in the SP/CORVUS server room. It was at this location that we encountered Javier Ramirez in the process of uploading additional INTEL to our enemies-most notably the locations of all WA Safehouses worldwide, including Safehouse-SGP -where our LNO was currently located. Once the target was incapacitated, Hendricks conducted a hostile interrogation which yielded several key pieces of information- Stone had bartered the data drives for safe passage out of Singapore, and was now en route to Cairo in pursuit of two HVIs- survivors of the Coalescence Corporation Disaster: Dr. Salim, a scientist who is believed to have relocated to Cairo, and Sebastian Krueger, location unknown. After extracting this information, Hendricks eliminated the target-an act which was clearly of some emotional consequence to him- given their long standing friendship. Soon after this action, the 54 Immortals launched a large scale attack on the site which resulted in the destruction of the facility. In close tactical coordination with our LNO, our team extracted relatively unscathed-only to discover that the Immortals were now launching an assault on her position.



SP/CORVUS:卡维斯,本作最神设定之一,真·万恶之源与最终BOSS,按照设定是某种被CIA黑色计划开发出来用来控制士兵DNI的AI(你以为只有人革连会干这种缺德事儿?),就是深入DNI和其他人脑之中,查看潜在的KB威胁(你可以想象成某种心理测量者或者少数派报告的手段)。然而BUG出现了,于是乎少数派报告变成了ghost in the shell——就是这家伙出现了自己的,凌驾于人类之上的智能。。。以及心态。而且和攻壳机动队的绝大多数剧情相同的是,这个corvus in the shell的故事的AI意图同样是以各种牺牲人类的手段寻找自己存在的意义(如果不懂这句话,可以补一补攻壳机动队ARISE的OVA2,我真觉得这部大锤在向攻壳取经更多于杀出重围),也就是因此,有了新加坡的爆炸,有了主角的精神失常,还有这条剧情线乃至漫画剧情线(现实中)各种战友,敌人,无辜者,有辜者的死亡——当然有主角在的话这个一般都成功不了,要不然就人类的智能也编不出这个“意义”来wwww

因此,这也正应了当时我逐帧翻译真人预告片时那个长得像斯诺登的小哥说的那句话,“How far are we allowed to go?”——我们在对科技的探寻上还能走多远?

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