《红色警戒3》Damage Type Guide 伤害类型指导

单机攻略      更新:2017-08-18

In the world of Red Alert 3, there are different units that shell out different kinds of damage. Red Alert 3 uses a system of unit counters in order to achieve balanced gameplay. Some of these counters are obvious, such as anti-tank, infantry defeating tanks. However other unit counters are more subtle, and require a knowledge of what damage types each unit uses and which units are vulnerable to them. Lets take a look at the major Red Alert 3 damage types.


Cannon is one of the most powerful weapon types in Red Alert 3. Nearly every tank in the game deals Cannon damage. Along with Tesla and Spectrum, Cannon is one of the most lethal damage types, dealing bonus damage to most vehicles. Infantry are one of the few unit types that have a resistance to Cannon damage.

A complete list of units that deal Cannon damage:
Hammer Tank, Guardian Tank, Tsunami Tank, Apocalypse Tank, King Oni, Assault Destroyer, Flak Trooper(mag mines)



Better known as machine guns, the Auto-cannon is the weapon of choice for anti-infantry vehicles. Against vehicles and especially heavy armor, auto-cannon damage tends to fall short. Auto-Cannon is also used by the Air Superiority fighters the Jet Tengu and Apollo Fighter.

A complete list of units that deal Auto-Cannon damage:
Sickle, Mecha Tengu, Riptide ACV, Skywing, Empire Harvester, Jet Tengu, Apollo Fighter, Twinblade.



All basic infantry do Gun type damage. Gun damage is effective against heavy infantry, scouting infantry, and a few different landed aircraft. Against vehicles gun type damage is rather weak, so its best to use something else.

A complete list of units that deal Gun damage:
Imperial Warrior, Peacekeeper, Conscript, Combat Engineer



Rocket damage is one of the most average of the damage types. Rocket damage only deals additional bonus damage to a few units. This does not mean Rocket damage is weak, as it does 100% to nearly every vehicle in the game. Only infantry units and anti-infantry vehicles have a resistance to rocket damage.

A complete list of units that deal Rocket damage:
Javelin Soldier, Multigunner IFV, Chopper VX, Striker VX, TankBuster, Rocket Angel, Twinblade.



Flak damage is one of the more specialized damage types in Red Alert 3. Only three units deal flak damage, and all are Soviet. Flak damage is similar to Rocket damage, except it is less effective against infantry. Units that use Flak trade damage to infantry for the ability to damage heavily armored vehicles.

A complete list of units that deal Flak damage:
Flak Trooper, MIG, Bullfrog



Explosives are the weapon of choice for bombers and artillery units. In general, explosives deal high damage, thus they have little need to deal bonus damage. One important note about explosive type damage, it is one of the few damage types to deal bonus damage to the Apocalypse Tank and King Oni.
The only units which have a resistance to explosives are a few grounded aircraft and the infantry commando units.

A complete list of units that deal explosive damage:
Wave Force Artillery, V4 Rocket Launcher, Athena Cannon, Aircraft Carrier, Dreadnought, Shogun Battleship, Kirov Airship, Century Bomber, Vindicator, Terror Drone(against vehicles), King Oni(Bullrush), Heroic Apocalypse Tank, Burst Drone, Yari Minisub(Last Voyage), Conscripts(Molotov).



The most famous Soviet damage type, Tesla is used by only two Soviet units in the game. Its rarity does not mean it is any less effective. Along with Prism and Cannon type damage, Tesla damage has the most units that are weak against it. Infantry units are not included in the below table because they die instantly from Tesla damage, thus making it impossible to figure out the bonus damage they receive.

A complete list of units that deal Tesla Damage:
Tesla Trooper, Stingray

(磁暴步兵、电船) 应该还有磁暴线圈……


The Allied answer to Tesla, Spectrum damage is no less effective than its Soviet counterpart. Spectrum deals bonus damage to light vehicles. Against tanks and heavy armor Spectrum damage is effective, but not overly so. Infantry also take full damage from Spectrum damage. Only the heaviest infantry have a resistance to Spectrum.

A complete list of units that deal Spectrum Damage:
Mirage Tank



The most common example of Concussive type damage is torpedoes. Only naval units deal Concussive damage. Curiously enough, most naval units actually have a resistance to concussive type damage, and no units have a weakness to it. Most amphibious units receive full damage from Concussive damage. Concussive damage cannot damage units that fly above the surface of the water, so no air units are included in the tables below.

A complete list of units that deal Concussive damage:
Yari Minisub, Dolphin, Riptide ACV, Naginata, Akula.


The following units receive reduced or bonus damage vs the units listed below them, regardless of damage type.





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